Please note below some important information regarding the set-up for stalls & exhibits at the Christmas Street Party on Friday night.


Primary contact: Pete Fornasier- 0439864774

Secondary contacts:
Jodie Coward- 0429411112

Aaron Zammit- 0400734270



  • There are 4 stall setup locations available. This is on a first in best dressed scenario and depends on the requirements of your setup.
    These locations are outlined in the map below (RED RECTANGLES)
    Note: The HSS Bar setup, Ham Wheel, Hot Chips, Windmill, Carter Farms all have pre-allocated spots due to their preorganised requirements.
    Please DO NOT setup anywhere other than the allocated stall positions or else we will have to ask you to move.
    We understand that some vendors already have arrangements to set up out the front of business footpaths- this is all good.
  • Power requirements
    There is LIMITED POWER available under the shaded areas, but we need to limit any additional high-drawing appliances as the supply is already quite loaded up.
    If you have any concerns about your power requirements, please contact us ahead of time.
    **NOTE** If you have a tent and don’t require power, PLEASE utilise stall location 3 as it’s a large open area.



  • Brodie St will be closed from 5pm. Setup time is between 5pm and 6pm.
  • We understand that some exhibitors have cold rooms etc that need to be setup ahead of time. We cannot guarantee space will be available before 5:00pm.



  • There are 3 access points once the street is closed. These are outlined in GREEN in the site map.
  • If you need to bring in a vehicle for your setup please endeavour to unload and remove the vehicle as quickly as possible as there will be quite a few people walking around on the road during this time.
  • Vehicle access is only through access points 1 and 3, and parking will be in the surrounding streets (far East end of Brodie St, Gray St, Comyn St)



  • The street will re-open at 10pm and the barricades will be removed at this point.
  • Please be cautious when bringing vehicles into the area during this time as there will probably still be people walking around packing up stalls etc.


If you require any further information please contact one of the people listed above.

Thank you for your efforts in making this year’s street party a success!!!


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