Resources, Links & Contacts

Shop Local

At Hughenden Chamber of Commerce we are a huge advocate and supporter of Shopping Local!

Supporting business in and around Hughenden and the North West region; be it through purchasing products or services ensures small businesses can grow and create local jobs and in return help our community.

Find out more about how you can promote your products and services, and more information on how you can support small businesses in our community by shopping locally from Queensland Governments Go Local, Grow Local.

Boost your digital footprint

Want to work smarter, engage with the global economy and make the most of online business opportunities arising from digital disruption?

Queensland Government’s Small Business Digital Grants Program can assist small businesses to access digital technologies and services to help you do just that; aiming to support small business to:

  • access the latest digital technologies to increase their confidence, productivity and
  • competitiveness
  • to grow to medium-size businesses, expand market reach and employ more
  • Queenslanders
  • upskill and train business owners and staff and benefit from new technologies
  • to work smarter, be more innovative and work fewer hours
  • create an environment that makes it easier to do business.

Find out more about the funding program including eligibility criteria, funding available, important dates and the application and assessment process by heading to the Business Queensland page.

Flinders Shire & North West regional profile 

About Flinders Shire

The Shire of Flinders is a local government area in north-western Queensland, Australia.

It covers an area of 41,538.5 square kilometres and has existed as a local government entity since 1882.

The Flinders Shire is predominantly a grazing area, with some emerging irrigation pockets. North of the Flinders River is predominately red and black volcanic basalt country and to the south of Hughenden is black soil downs country with open natural grass lands.

For more information on Hughenden and the Flinders Shire head to:


Department of State Development Manufacturing, Infrastructure & Planning – North West

The department encompasses a number of functions that uniquely place us to set and drive an economic agenda for Queensland, stimulating industry growth and creating jobs for all Queenslanders.

Mount Isa
1/75 Camooweal Street, Mount Isa
PO Box 2221, Mount Isa Qld 4825
07 4747 3900

Grants & Funding


Advertise your Business in the Region