As discussed in our meeting on Monday, the outlook for our Shire is very positive & the Chamber wants to assist every business in putting their best foot forward when it comes to potential opportunities.

There are 2 key elements that the Chamber wants to assist with:

  • Business capability statement
  • Online presence, both Website & Social Media


To assist in the Online element, we are currently working with the FSC to facilitate a marketing “kick start” package available to all local businesses.

This would include everything from basic website creation, Google business & analytics development, social media implementation, training and more.
These packages can be catered to suit the requirements of your business on a case by case basis.


Right now we are calling for expressions of interest from any local business who might be interested in either establishing a new online presence or simply updating/developing their existing offer.

Depending on the size of the opportunity, we are looking into grant/funding options for this but need to identify the size of the opportunity first.

The more the merrier! This will be a sensational opportunity to boost your business through online platforms.

Note that an expression of interest now doesn’t lock you into anything, and more information will be provided in the coming months.


If you or your business would be interested in developing your online profile, please come back to the Chamber by COB 24TH SEPTEMBER

Note: This is open to ALL LOCAL BUSINESSES in the Shire, not just Chamber members


In the meantime if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Chamber committee directly.

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