Flood Assistance Program

We understand that our buying habits have had to somewhat change in the last couple of months. We would encourage all residents of the Flinders Shire to remember their local businesses when normality returns.

We thrive off each other and on the other side of this mystical ‘bridge’ we want our businesses to bounce back as quickly as possible. The Flinders Shire Council has announced $200 cards to be spent locally in our community, this fund is a product of the devastating floods and an initiative that will help boost our local businesses.

You can apply here www.flinders.qld.gov.au/flood-assistance-program

If you haven’t registered for your card please do. It’s not charity! If you feel you weren’t affected by last years floods and that it wouldn’t be right to accept we ask you to think about the businesses that would love for you to spend that money in their shops. Do it for yourself, do it for your town and do it for the businesses that get up every day in trying times to provide us all with services.

Love to you all! Shop local, Hughenden.

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