HIPCo is a corporation that was formed three years ago under the direction of MP Bob Katter, Member for Kennedy. It was predicted that an opportunity to progress a large scale water storage facility in the Flinders Shire would become a reality. Many dollars have been spent on the feasibility of water storage in the North West and numerous promises have been made, our objective as local members of this community is to action the construction without another tax funded piece of paper.
North West QLD, specifically the Hughenden area, provides ample opportunity for diversification of industry with the ability to store and access large volumes of water. Mr Katter amplified the importance not to complete another study to extrapolate the data that our community understands to be proven in opportunity already, hence the formation of this group and the collaboration of local knowledge. In the past three years we have been working on the ground to push this project from the top down with Mr. Katter’s office.
Our first major Milestone was the granting of $50,000 from the current State Government, to conduct two practical investigatory reports, most significantly on the preferred site of the proposed irrigation dam. Our access to this money allowed us to prove the dam site and progress to a federal level.
As you may already be aware, we were recently granted a promise monetary amount of 180 million from our current Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. We are elated that our Prime Minister had the vision and understanding of the importance of water storage in our country. Whilst we have many milestones to achieve in order to commence construction, we are overjoyed that these are now formalities, as the pressure that regional Australia usually feels to secure money, has been dissolved with this allocation of money.